New Year, New Mysteries


Monday night when I returned home from work there was a UPS notice on my door. They had attempted to deliver a package, but needed my signature to leave it. Not the “a signature is required” check box, but more like “we want your permission to leave it” kind of signature.  Normally a package wouldn’t be news, but I have not ordered from Amazon or the like in quite a while.  The only thing I could think of was that my job gave me a credit to use in their online store, which I used for a gift card. So the next day, I asked the lady that places the orders for the store if the card might be mailed to my home. She said no, everything ordered through the site gets delivered to work and then handed out. Hmmm, OK then who is this from?

So I decided to do some detective work and see where it originated. Turns out it was sent out of the terminal in Farmingdale, NY. I know no one there, nor do business with any company from that area. Also, its only two pounds which tells me that it must be an envelope and not a gift box of some sort.  Then I looked at the “redeliver date”. Well dont you know, UPS in its wisdom does not deliver on New Year’s Eve, so it will be re delivered until Thursday, and I am left here still wondering. I am not a fan of suspense.

Now, instead of making a jackass out of myself in public, I generally stay home on New Years. This year was no exception. Last night, before watching the ball drop on live stream,  I woofed down a half a cake and spent a few minutes online. It turned out to be an interesting few minutes. I was looking around at unique ways to make extra money and bumped into a blog on the subject. One of their suggestions was a website called, where you can search your name and see if a business owes you a couple of bucks or something. Generally this happens when you shut down an account and the company couldn’t locate you to send the remaining funds. Considering my situation I doubt it, but having nothing more pressing to do, I entered my name in the text-boxes.

It returned a result!  Not just any result though….

Most of the time you would see something like the persons name, “ABC Corporation”, the company address and whether it was over or under $100.

Mine was different. It said my name(I am the only person in the US with my name. Yes, really!), then Yorktown, VA,  and an undisclosed property and amount. What is strange about this is that  while I have never lived there, I have an uncle in Yorktown. Due to family circumstances with my Mom, we haven’t spoken in years, but I know he lives there.  There is no way for a stranger to tie us online. For example, when you look up my name, only my Mom comes up as a relative. Also, I hadn’t been looking him up prior to the search, thus there would be no ability for the site to “pull” this information. While he is elderly, to my knowledge, he is still alive.  So, I sent an email to the treasury in the state of VA to see if they know of this and what it might be. To be continued…

PS. Happy New Year. Onward to new experiences and successes!